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Gang Liu, Wei Tang, Ying-LIN Ke, Qing-Liang Chen, Yunbo Bi. Modeling of fast pre-joining processes optimization for skin-stringer panels. Assembly Automation, 2014, 34(4): 323-332.
Jiefeng Jiang, Yunbo Bi, Huiyue Dong, Yinglin Ke, Xintian Fan and Kunpeng Du. Influence of interference fit size on hole deformation and residual stress in hi-lock bolt insertion. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2014, 228(18): 3296-3305.
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Liang Cheng, Wang Qing, Li Jiangxiong, Ke Yinglin. A posture evaluation method for a large component with thermal deformation and its application in aircraft assembly. Assembly Automation, 2014, 34(3):275–284.
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Gang Liu, Wei Tang, Ying-Lin Ke, Qing-Liang Chen, Xue-Mei Chen. Pre-joining process planning model for a batch of skin–stringer panels based on statistical clearances. Int J Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 78(1): 41–51.
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Yingjie Guo, Huiyue Dong,Yinglin Ke. Stiffness-oriented posture optimization in robotic machining applications. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2015, 35: 69-76.
Biao Mei, Weidong Zhu, Kangzheng Yuan, Yinglin Ke. Robot base frame calibration with a 2D vision system for mobile robotic drilling. Int J Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 81(9):1903-1917.
Biao Mei, Weidong Zhu, Huiyue Dong, Yinglin Ke. Coordination error control for accurate positioning in movable robotic drilling. Assembly Automation, 2015, 35(4):329-340.
Biao Mei, Weidong Zhu, Guorui Yan, Yinglin Ke. A new elliptic contour extraction method for reference hole detection in robotic drilling. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2015, 18(3): 695–712.
Qiang Fang, Ze-Min Pan, Bing Han, Shao-Hua Fei, Guan-Hua Xu,Ying-Lin Ke. A force sensor-less method for CFRP/Ti stack interface detection during robotic orbital drilling operations. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 1-11.
Qiang Fang,Yu-Chao Li, Shao-Hua Fei, Yong-Wei Han, Ying-Lin Ke. Error modeling and compensation of circular motion on a new circumferential drilling system. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, (4): 1-8.
Zhangjun Jin, Cijun Yu, Jiangxiong Li, Yinglin Ke.. Configuration Analysis of the ERS Points in Large-Volume Metrology System. Sensors, 2015, 15(9): 24397-24408.
Qing Wang, Yadong Dou, Jiangxiong Li, Yinglin Ke. A zigzag path based joining method for fuselage panels in digital assembly. Assembly Automation, 2015, 35(4):289 – 301.
Qing Wang, Peng Huang, Jiangxiong Li, Yinglin Ke. Uncertainty evaluation and optimization of INS installation measurement using Monte Carlo Method. Assembly Automation, 2015, 35(3):221 – 233.
Liang Cheng, Qing Wang, Jiangxiong Li, Yinglin Ke. Variation modeling for fuselage structures in large aircraft digital assembly. Assembly Automation, 2015, 35(2):172 – 182.
Qing Wang, Peng Huang, Jiangxiong Li, Yinglin Ke. A new boresighting method of the aircraft gun using a laser tracker. Sensor Review, 2015, 35(3):251 – 262.
Yunbo Bi, Weimiao Yan, Yinglin Ke. Multi load-transmitting device based support layout optimization for large fuselage panels in digital assembly. Inst. Mech. Eng., Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2015, 229(10):1792-1804.
Hongshuang Zhang, Junxia Jiang, Yinglin Ke, Qing Wang. Optimal selection of the supporting points of large component aligned and positioned by parallel manipulator. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2015, 230(17): 3066-3075.
Di Yang, Weiwei Qu, Yinglin Ke. Evaluation of residual clearance after pre-joining and pre-joining scheme optimization in aircraft panel assembly. Assembly Automation, 2016, 36(4): 376–387.
Jiang Jiefeng, Bi Yunbo. Effect of parameters on local stress field in single-lap bolted joints with the interference fit. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 8(5): 1-12.
Honglun Huan, Liang Cheng, Yinglin Ke. Dynamic modeling and sensitivity analysis of dual-robot pneumatic riveting system for fuselage panel assembly. Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 2016, 43(2):221 – 230.
Yingjie Guo, Huiyue Dong, Guifeng Wang, Yinglin Ke. Vibration analysis and suppression in robotic boring process. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2016, 101:102–110.
Lan Zhou, Yinglin Ke, Huiyue Dong, Zupeng Chen, Kaiye Gao. Hole diameter variation and roundness in dry orbital drilling of CFRP/Ti stacks. Int J Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 87(1): 811–824.
Guifeng Wang, Huiyue Dong, Yingjie Guo, Yinglin Ke. Dynamic cutting force modeling and experimental study of industrial robotic boring. Int J Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 86(1): 179–190.
Weidong Zhu, Along Zhang, Biao Mei, Yinglin Ke. Automatic stepping for circumferential splice drilling in aircraft fuselage assembly. Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 2016, 43(2):144-152.
Qing Wang, Peng Huang, Jiangxiong Li, Yinglin Ke. Assembly accuracy analysis for small components with a planar surface in large-scale metrology. Measurement Science and Technology, 2016, 27(4):1-13.
Weimiao Yan, Yunbo Bi, Mingjie Qiao. Effect of positioning errors of frames on fuselage panel assembly deformation. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 8(5): 1-11.
Gao, Chong-Yang; Zhang, Liang-Chi; Liu, Peng-Hui. The role of material model in the finite element simulation of high-speed machining of Ti6Al4V. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2016, 230(17):2959-2967.
Gao, Chongyang; Xiao, Jianzhang; Xu, Jiuhua; Ke, Yinglin. Factor analysis of machining parameters of fiber-reinforced polymer composites based on finite element simulation with experimental investigation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 2016, 83(5):1113–1125.
Dan Zhao, Yunbo Bi,Yinglin Ke. An efficient error compensation method for coordinated CNC five-axis machine tools. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2017, 123:105-115.
Guifeng Wang, Huiyue Dong, Yingjie Guo, Yinglin Ke.. Chatter mechanism and stability analysis of robotic boring. Int J Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 91:411-421.
Liu, Hua; Zhu, Weidong; Dong, Huiyue ; Ke, Yinglin. A helical milling and oval countersinking end-effector for aircraft assembly. Mechatronics, 2017, 46(): 101-114.
Zhou Lan,Dong huiyue,Ke Yinglin,Chen Guanglin. Analysis of the chip-splitting performance of a dedicated cutting tool in dry orbital drilling process. Int J Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 90:1809-1823.
Lei C, Cong Li, Yunbo Bi, Jiangxiong Li. The optimal clamping force option for robotic drilling of stacked aluminum sheets based on shell theory. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 9(3): 1-9.
Qiang Fang, Weidong Chen, Shaohua Fei, Anan Zhao, Changxi Deng. Control system Designing for correcting wing-fuselage assembly deformation of a large aircraft. Assembly Automation, 2017, 37(1):22-33.
Yunbo Bi, Weimiao Yan, Yinglin Ke. Optimal placement of measurement points on large aircraft fuselage panels in digital assembly. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2017, 231(1): 73-84.
Junxia Jiang, Chen Bian, Yinglin Ke. A new method for automatic shaft-hole assembly of aircraft components. Assembly Automation, 2017, 37(1):64–70.
Qing Wang, Yadong Dou, Liang Cheng, Yinglin Ke. Shimming design and optimal selection for non-uniform gaps in wing assembly. Assembly Automation, 2017, 37(4):471-482.
Qing Wang, Yadong Dou, Jiangxiong Li, Yinglin Ke. An assembly gap control method based on posture alignment of wing panels in aircraft assembly. Assembly Automation, 2017, 37(4):422-433.
Gao, Chongyang; Zhan, Bin; Chen, Lianyi; Li, Xiaochun. A micromechanical model of graphene-reinforced metal matrix nanocomposites with consideration of graphene orientations. COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2017, 152(2017):120-128.
Zhu, Linli; Wen, Chunsheng; Gao, Chongyang; Guo, Xiang; Lu, Jian. A study of dynamic plasticity in austenite stainless steels with a gradient distribution of nanoscale twins. SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 2017, 133(2017):49-53.
Gao, Chongyang; Jia, Jiguang. Factor analysis of key parameters on cutting force in micromachining of graphene-reinforced magnesium matrix nanocomposites based on FE simulation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 2017, 92(9):3123–3136.
Wang, Qing; Wang, Lingyun; Zhu, Weidong; Xu, Qiang; Ke, Yinglin. Design optimization of molds for autoclave process of composite manufacturing. JOURNAL OF REINFORCED PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES, 2017, 36(21) 1564–1576.
Zu, Lei; Zhu, Weidong; Dong, Huiyue; Ke, Yinglin. Application of variable slippage coefficients to the design of filament wound toroidal pressure vessels. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, 2017, 172 (2017) 339–344.
Changyi Lei, Yunbo Bi, Jiangxiong Li and Yinglin Ke. Effect of Riveting Parameters on the Quality of Riveted Aircraft Structures with Slug Rivet. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 9(11): 1-12.
Liu Hua;Zhu Weidong;Ke Yinglin. Pose alignment of aircraft structures with distance sensors and CCD cameras. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2017, 48(2017)30-38.
Chen, Shengkai; Fang, Shuiliang; Peng, Tao; Tang, Renzhong. Operation Mode Study in Cloud Manufacturing Ecosystem. Procedia CIRP, 2017, 61(2017):347-352.
Gao, Chong Yang; Xiao, Jian Zhang; Zhang, Liang Chi ; Ke, Ying Lin. On the static and dynamic properties of fiber-reinforced polymer composites: A three-phase constitutive model. JOURNAL OF THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITE MATERIALS, 2017, 30(11):1560-1577.
Mei, Biao; Zhu, Wei-dong; Ke, Ying-lin. Autofocus for enhanced measurement accuracy of a machine vision system for robotic drilling. Wearable Sensors and Robots, 2017, 399:333-352.
Zhao Dan; Bi Yunbo; Ke Yinglin. An efficient error prediction and compensation method for coordinated five-axis machine tools under variable temperature. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 96(9):4431–4443.
Lei, Changyi; Bi, Yunbo; Li, Jiangxiong ; Ke, Yinglin. Experiment and numerical simulations of a slug rivet installation process based on different modeling methods. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 97(1):1481–1496.
Liu, Hua; Zhu, Weidong; Dong, Huiyue ; Ke, Yinglin. An improved kinematic model for serial robot calibration based on local POE formula using position measurement. Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 2018, 45(5):573-584.
Wang, Guifeng; Dong, Huiyue; Guo, Yingjie ; Ke, Yinglin. Finite element simulation and experimental analysis of robotic boring based on an approach of equivalent stiffness. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2018, 232(11):2008–2018.
Lei, Changyi; Bi, Yunbo; Li, Jiangxiong ; Ke, Yinglin. Slug rivet assembly modeling and effects of procedure parameters on the quality of riveted lap joints. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2018, 10(9): 1–12.
Mei Biao; Zhu Weidong; Ke Yinglin. Positioning variation analysis and control for automated drilling in aircraft manufacturing. Assembly Automation, 2018, 38(4): 412–419.
Xiao Jianzhang; Gao Chongyang; Ke Yinglin. An analytical approach to cutting force prediction in milling of carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminates. Machining Science and Technology, 2018, 22(6): 1012-1028.
Wang, Qing; Hou, Renluan; Li, Jiangxiong ; Ke, Yinglin. Analytical and experimental study on deformation of thin-walled panel with non-ideal boundary conditions. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018, 149:298-310.
Dolkun, Dilmurat; Zhu, Weidong; Xu, Qiang ; Ke, Yinglin. Optimization of cure profile for thick composite parts based on finite element analysis and genetic algorithm. Journal of Composite Materials, 2018, 52(28):3885-3894.
Wang, Qing; Hou, Renluan; Li, Jiangxiong ; Ke, Yinglin; Maropoulos, Paul George; Zhang, Xianzhi. Positioning variation modeling for aircraft panels assembly based on elastic deformation theory. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2018, 232(14):2592–2604.
Wang, Guifeng; Dong, Huiyue; Guo, Yingjie ; Ke, Yinglin. Early chatter identification of robotic boring process using measured force of dynamometer. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 94(1):1243-1252.
Zhou Lan; Dong Huiyue; Ke Yinglin. Modeling of non-linear cutting forces for dry orbital drilling process based on undeformed chip geometry. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 94(1):203-216.
Cheng, Liang; Wang, Qing; Li, Jiangxiong ; Ke, Yinglin. Propagation analysis of variation for fuselage structures in multi-station aircraft assembly. Assembly Automation, 2018, 38(1):67–76.
Zhao Dan; Bi Yunbo; Ke Yinglin. Kinematic modeling and base frame calibration of a dual-machine-based drilling and riveting system for aircraft panel assembly. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 94(5):1873–1884.
Zhao Dan; Bi Yunbo; Ke Yinglin. A united kinematic calibration method for a dual-machine system. Assembly Automation, 2018, 38(2): 226–238.
Zhao Dan; Bi Yunbo; Ke Yinglin. Kinematic modeling and inverse kinematics solution of a new six-axis machine tool for oval hole drilling in aircraft wing assembly. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 96(5-8):2231–2243.
Guo, Yingjie; Dong, HuiYue; Wang, Guifeng ; Ke, Yinglin. A robotic boring system for intersection holes in aircraft assembly. Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 2018, 45(3):328-336.
Qu, Wei-Wei; Tang, Wei; Ke, Ying-Lin. Pre-joining processes optimization method for panel orienting to the clearances suppression of units and the clearances flow among units. International journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 2018, 94(1):1357-1371.
Wang, Qing; Fan, Sheng-Hao; Cheng, Liang ; Li, Jiang-Xiong; Ke, Ying-Lin. Interference detection method of wing-fuselage joints based on measured data. Journal of Zhejiang University. Engineering Science, 2018, 52 (2):207-216,232.
Jiang, Junxia; Bian, Chen; Bi, Yunbo ; Ke, Yinglin. A new type of inner-side working head for automatic drilling and riveting system. Assembly Automation, 2019, 39(1):154-164.
Wang Haijin; Dong Huiyue; Ke Yinglin. Modeling and analysis of force prediction in milling process of unidirectional fiber reinforced polymer composites. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 101(9):3073–3080.
Cheng Liang; Wang Qing; Ke Yinglin. Experimental and numerical analyses of the shimming effect on bolted joints with nonuniform gaps. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2019, 233(11):3964–3975.
Shengkai Chen, Shuiliang Fang, Renzhong Tang. A Reinforcement Learning Based Approach for Multi-Projects Scheduling in Cloud Manufacturing. International Journal of Production Research, 2019, 57(10):3080-3098.
Biao Mei, Weidong Zhu, Yinglin Ke, Pengyu Zheng. Variation analysis driven by small-sample data for compliant aero-structure assembly. Assembly Automation, 2019, 39(1):101-112.
Biao Mei, Weidong Zhu, Pengyu Zheng, Yinglin Ke. Variation modeling and analysis with interval approach for the assembly of compliant aeronautical structures. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2019, 233(3):948–959.
Chen Bian,Junxia Jiang,Yinglin Ke. End stiffness modeling for automatic horizontal dual-machine cooperative drilling and riveting system. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 104(1):1521-1530.
Yaoyao Ye, Weidong Zhu, Junxia Jiang, Qiang Xu*, Yinglin Ke. Computational modelling of postbuckling behavior of composite T-stiffened panels with different bonding methods. Composites: Part B, 2019, 166: 247-256.
Song, Xiaowen; Qi, Yuchen; Zhang, Mingxiao; Zhang, Guogeng; Zhan, Wenchao. Application and optimization of drag reduction characteristics on the flow around a partial grooved cylinder by using the response surface method. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2019, 13(1): 158-176.
Changyi Lei, Quan Chen, Yunbo Bi*, Jiangxiong Li and Yinglin Ke. An Effective Theoretical Model for Slug Rivet Assembly Based on Countersunk Hole Structure. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 101(1-4):1065-1074.
Jintong Liu, Heng Li, Yunbo Bi*, Huiyue Dong and Yinglin Ke. Influence of the deformation of riveting-side working head on riveting quality. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 102(9), 4137-4151.
Jintong Liu, Ze Zhao, Yunbo Bi* and Huiyue Dong. Prediction and compensation of force-induced deformation for a dual-machine-based riveting system using FEM and neural network. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 103(9-12):3853-3870.
Ruofeng Wei, Yunbo Bi*. Research on Recognition Technology of Aluminum Profile Surface Defects Based on Deep Learning. Materials, 2019, 12(10), 1681.
Yang Di,Qu Weiwei,Ke Yinglin. Local-global method to predict distortion of aircraft panel caused in automated riveting process. Assembly Automation, 2019, 39(5),973-985.
Zhu, Weidong; Li, Guanhua; Dong, Huiyue; Ke, Yinglin. Positioning error compensation on two-dimensional manifold for robotic machining. ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER-INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING, 2019, 59 (2019) 394–405.
Liu, Hua; Zhu, Weidong; Dong, Huiyue; Ke, Yinglin. An adaptive ball-head positioning visual servoing method for aircraft digital assembly. Assembly Automation, 2019, 39(2):287–296.
Wang, Lingyun; Zhu, Weidong; Wang, Qing; Xu, Qiang; Ke, Yinglin. A heat-balance method for autoclave process of composite manufacturing. Journal of Composite Materials, 2019, 53(5) 641–652.
Renluan Hou, Qing Wang*, Jiangxiong Li, Yinglin Ke. Modified Fourier–Galerkin Solution for Aerospace Skin-Stiffener Panels Subjected to Interface Force and Mixed Boundary Conditions. Materials, 2019, 12(17):2794.
Song, XiaoWen; Zhang, MingXiao. Turbulent Drag Reduction Characteristics of Bionic Nonsmooth Surfaces with Jets. Applied sciences, 2019, 9(23), 5070.
Xiao, Jianzhang, Gao, Chongyang*, Wang Guifeng, Huang Pengcheng. Investigation on the effects of microstructure on machining unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites with a modified force model. JOURNAL OF REINFORCED PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES, 2019, 38(8): 379-394.
Junxia Jiang, Yuxiao He,Yinglin Ke. Pressure distribution for automated fiber placement and design optimization of compaction rollers. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2019, 38(18): 860-870.
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Xiao, Jianzhang; Gao, Chongyang; Wang, Guifeng; Huang, Pengcheng. Investigation on the effects of microstructure on machining unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites with a modified force model. Journal of reinforced plastics and composites, 2019, 38(8):379-394.
Jiang, Junxia; Zhang, Shenglin; He, Yuxiao. Wheel design and motion analysis of a new heavy-duty AGV in aircraft assembly lines. Assembly Automation, 2019, 40(3):387-397.
Zhou, Changan; Guo, Kau; Yang, Bin ; Wang, Haijin; Sun, Jie; Lu, Laixiao. Singularity Analysis of Cutting Force and Vibration for Tool Condition Monitoring in Milling. IEEE access, 2019, 7:134113-134124.
Zhang, Yifan; Wang, Qing; Zhao, Anan; Ke, Yinglin. A multi-object posture coordination method with tolerance constraints for aircraft components assembly. Assembly Automation, 2019, 40(2):345-359.
Wang, Qing; Wang, Lingyun; Zhu, Weidong; Xu, Qiang; Ke, Yinglin. Numerical investigation of the effect of thermal gradients on curing performance of autoclaved laminates. Journal of Composite Materials, 2020, 54(1) 127–138.
Yaoyao Ye, Weidong Zhu, Junxia Jiang, Qiang Xu, Yinglin Ke. Design and optimization of composite sub-stiffened panels. Composite Structures, 2020, 240 (2020) :112084.
Zhu, Weidong; Liu, Hua; Ke, Yinglin. Sensor-Based Control Using an Image Point and Distance Features for Rivet-in-Hole Insertion. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020, 67(6):4692-4699.
Chen, SK; Fang, SL; Tang, RZ. An ANN-Based Approach for Real-Time Scheduling in Cloud Manufacturing. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2020, 10(7):2491-2512.
Miao, Ying; Song, Xiaowen; Wang, Jun; Lu, Zhonghua. NC machining verification algorithm based on the STL model. International journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 2020, 110(5-6):1153-1161.
Yan, Senbo; Song, Xiaowen; Liu, Guocong. Deeper and Mixed Supervision for Salient Object Detection in Automated Surface Inspection. Mathematical problems in engineering, 2020, 2020:1-12.
Jianming Tang, Weidong Zhu and Yunbo Bi*. A Computer Vision-Based Navigation and Localization Method for Station-Moving Aircraft Transport Platform with Dual Cameras. Sensors, 2020, 20(1), 279.
Jintong Liu, Anan Zhao, Piao Wan, Huiyue Dong and Yunbo Bi*. Modeling and Optimization of Bidirectional Clamping Forces in Drilling of Stacked Aluminum Alloy Plates. Materials, 2020, 13(12), 2866.
Jintong Liu, Anan Zhao, ZhenZheng Ke, Zhiqiang Li and Yunbo Bi*. Investigation on the Residual Stresses and Fatigue Performance of Riveted Single Strap Butt Joints. Materials, 2020, 13(15), 3436.
Jintong Liu, Anan Zhao, Yi Liu, Huiyue Dong, Yunbo Bi*. Numerical and experimental investigation on the rivet head flushness in automatic countersunk riveting. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 110:395-411.
Jintong Liu, Anan Zhao, ZhenZheng Ke, Zhengdong Zhu and Yunbo Bi*. Influence of Rivet Diameter and Pitch on the Fatigue Performance of Riveted Lap Joints Based on Stress Distribution Analysis. Materials, 2020, 13(16), 3625.
He, Ruming; Qu, Weiwei; Ke, Yinglin. An improved path discretization method for automated fiber placement. Journal of reinforced plastics and composites, 2020, 39(13-14):545-559.
Han Wang; Weiwei Wang; Haijin Wang; Huiyue Dong; Yinglin Ke. Thermal management for thermoset automated fiber placement based on infrared heater structure arrangement. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2020, In press.
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Li, Guanhua; Yang, Shuang; Cao, Siming; Zhu, Weidong; Ke, Yinglin. A semi-supervised deep learning approach for circular hole detection on composite parts. The Visual computer, 2020, 37(3):433-445.
Zhou, Weizhu; Cheng, Qunlin; Xu, Qiang ; Zhu, Weidong; Ke, Yinglin. Deformation and fracture mechanisms of automated fiber placement pre- preg laminates under out-of-plane tensile loading. Composite structures, 2020, 255:112948.
Lei, Changyi; Li, Jiangxiong. Effect of rivet die structure on the quality of riveted aircraft structures using slug rivet. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 107(1-2):229-245.
Cheng, Liang; Huan, Honglun; Ke, Yinglin. Elastic-plastic analysis and riveting energy control for dual-robot pneumatic riveting system. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2020, 234(9):1836-1847.
Du, Mingming; Wang, Haijin; Dong, Huiyue ; Guo, Yingjie; Ke, Yinglin. Numerical research on kerf characteristics of abrasive waterjet machining based on the sph-dem-fem approach. International journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 2020, 111( 11-12):3519-3533.
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Qu, Weiwei; He, Ruming; Cheng, Liang ; Yang, Di; Gao, Jiaxin; Wang, Han; Yang, Qian; Ke, Yinglin. Placement suitability analysis of automated fiber placement on curved surfaces considering the influence of prepreg tow, roller and AFP machine. Composite structures, 2021, 262(2021)113608.
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Dolkun, Dilmurat; Wang, Han; Wang, Haijin; Ke, Yinglin. An efficient thermal cure profile design method for autoclave curing of large size mold. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 2021, 114(7-8):2499-2514.
Du, Mingming; Wang, Haijin; Dong, Huiyue; Guo, Yingjie; Ke, Yinglin. Numerical research on multi-particle movements and nozzle wear involved in abrasive waterjet machining. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 2021, 117(9-10):2845-2858.
Qu, Weiwei; He, Ruming; Wang, Qing; Cheng, Liang; Yang, Di; Gao, Jiaxin; Wang, Han; Yang, Qian; Ke, Yinglin. Algorithms for Constructing Initial and Offset Path of Automated Fiber Placement for Complex Double-Curved Surfaces. APPLIED COMPOSITE MATERIALS, 2021, 28(3):855–875.
Fei, Shaohua; Wang, Weiwei; Wang, Han; Yang, Di; Ding, Huiming; Wang, Haijin; Li, Jiangxiong; Ke, Yinglin. Effect of O 0.11 mm Z-pinning on the properties of composite laminates via an ultrasound guided insertion process. COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2021, 213 (2021) 108906.
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Li, Hao; Jiang, Junxia; Ke, Yinglin. Design and analysis of the mandrel structure for a composite S-shaped inlet. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART G-JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, 2022, 236(1):183–190.
Tang, Yipeng; Wang, Qing; Cheng, Liang ; Li, Jiangxiong; Ke, Yinglin. An in-process inspectionmethod integrating deep learning and classical algorithm for automated fiber placement. Composite structures, 2022, 300 (2022) :116051.
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Li, Hao; Xu, Qiang; Wang, Lingyun ; Song, Xiaowen; Ke, Yinglin. Optimization of the curing cycle for the large-scale composite stiffened panel based on the response surface methodology and Fgoalattain algorithm. Journal of composite materials, 2022, 56(27):4101-4112.
Jiang, Junxia; Liao, Haipeng; He, Yuxiao ; Zhang, Xinyuan. Rigid-flexible hybrid modeling and dynamic simulation of three-coordinate heavy-load transfer vehicle. Journal of mechanical science and technology, 2022, 36 (1):285~296.
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Wang, Jian; Zhang, Yongliang; Cheng, Lingxiao ; Yang, Yapeng; Bi, Yunbo. Effect of riveting parameters on the forming quality of riveted lap joints with reduced countersunk head half-crown rivet. International journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 2022, 121 (11-12):8083–8098.
Liu, Jintong; Zhu, Zhendong; Zhang, Qiang ; Dong, Huiyue; Bi, Yunbo. Deformation prediction and compensation of a dual-machine riveting system for aircraft assembly. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part C, Journal of mechanical engineering science, 2022, 236(17):9543-9557.
Pan, Helin; Qu, Weiwei; Yang, Di ; Huang, Qiwei; Li, Jiangxiong; Ke, Yinglin. Design and optimization of variable stiffness composite cylinders with the consideration of manufacturing interaction. Applied composite materials, 2022, 29(3):1249–1273.
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Pan, Helin; Qu, Weiwei; Yang, Di ; Li, Jiangxiong; Ke, Yinglin. Analysis and characterization of interlaminar tack for different prepreg materials during automated fiber placement. Polymer composites, 2022, 43(7):4737–4748.
Qu, Weiwei; Pan, Helin; Yang, Di ; Li, Jiangxiong; Ke, Yinglin. As-built FE thermal analysis for complex curved structures in automated fiber placement. Simulation modelling practice and theory, 2022, 118 (2022) :102561.
Qu, Weiwei; Gao, Jiaxin; Ye, Yaoyao ; Yang, Di; He, Ruming; Yang, Qian; Cheng, Liang; Ke, Yinglin. Determination and application of posture adjustable domain under constraints of placement quality. Journal of reinforced plastics and composites, 2022, 42(5-6):191–204.
Bai, Jie; Fang, Shuiliang; Xu, Xun ; Tang, Renzhong. LMPF: A novel method for bill of standard manufacturing services construction in cloud manufacturing. Journal of manufacturing systems, 2022, 62 (2022) 402–416.
Li, Hao; Lin, Yi; Wang, Lingyun ; Xu, Qiang; Ke, Yinglin. A manta-ray-inspired bionic curing mold for autoclave process of composite manufacturing. Journal of reinforced plastics and composites, 2022, 42(1-2) :17-25.
Cheng, Liang; Ji, Guobiao; Fei, Shaohua ; Li, Jiangxiong; Ke, Yinglin. A mechanistic predictive model for ultrasound guided insertion process of Ø 0.11 mm Z-pins. Composite structures, 2022, 294 (2022) :115781.
Cheng, Liang; Ji, Guobiao; Fei, Shaohua ; Li, Jiangxiong; Ke, Yinglin. Investigation on insertion mechanism of ultrasound guided insertion process based on numerical simulation. Polymer composites, 2022, 43(10):7303–7314.
Wu, Jianbo; Cheng, Liang; Guo, Yingjie ; Li, Jiangxiong; Ke, Yinglin. Dynamic modeling and parameter identification for a gantry-type automated fiber placement machine combined with hydraulic balance system and nonlinear friction. CIRP journal of manufacturing science and technology, 2022, 37 (2022) 388–400 .
Cheng, Liang; Zhang, Li; Li, Jiangxiong ; Ke, Yinglin. Measurement, identification, and compensation of pose errors for six-axis gantry automated fiber placement machine. International journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 2022, 120(3-4):2259–2276.
Cheng, Liang; Wu, Jianbo; Guo, Yingjie ; Li, Jiangxiong; Ke, Yinglin. Dynamic modeling and parameter identification for a gantry-type automated fiber placement machine. International journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 2022, 119(11-12):7243–7258.
Tang, Yifang; Wang, Weiwei; Wang, Han ; Li, Jiangxiong; Ke, Yinglin. Influences of wrinkles induced by tows' offset in automated fiber placement on the bending properties of composites. Composite structures, 2022, 297 (2022): 115964.
Wu, Hanling; Guo, Yingjie; Wang, Haijin ; Yuan, Fei; Dong, Huiyue; Ke, Yinglin. Prediction of double-sided arc welding deformation based on dynamic heat distribution model and TEP-FE approach. International journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 2022, 121(9-10):6361–6374.
Li, Shuran; Li, Mengze; Ma, Jiahe ; Fu, Yihan; Tian, Yu; Shen, Xing; Li, Jiafeng; Zhu, Weidong; Ke, Yinglin; Clack, Herek L.; Yan, Keping. Characterization of Electrohydrodynamic Flow in a Plate-Plate Electrostatic Precipitator with a Wire-Cylinder Pre-Charger by Data-Driven Vortex and Residence Time Analysis. Powder technology, 2022, 397 (2022):117015.
Ma, Jiahe; Fu, Yihan; Li, Mengze ; Shen, Xing; Tian, Yu; Li, Shuran; Zhu, Weidong; Ke, Yinglin. A Novel Approach on Recycling Short-Chopped Carbon Fibers by Electric Field Induced Manipulation. Resources, conservation and recycling, 2022, 180 (2022):106163.
Fei, Shaohua; Wang, Weiwei; Ding, Huiming ; Wang, Haijin; Li, Jiangxiong; Ke, Yinglin. Strengthening of composite T-joints using Ø 0.11 mm Z-pins via an ultrasound-guided insertion process. Composites Part C: Open Access, 2022, 8 (2022):100268.
Zhang, Shuo; Liu, Zhen; Li, Shuran ; Tu, Xuan; Zhang, Shihao; Xu, Wenyi; Shen, Xing; Huang, Di; Gao, Lirong; Yan, Keping. Soil Remediation via DBD Induced Multiple Pollutants Cleaning. International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology, 2022, 16(2):1-7.
Gao, Yu; Fei, Shaohua; Song, Xiaowen ; Ding, Huiming; Wang, Han. Enhancement of composite open-hole tensile strength via fine Z-pins arrangements. International journal of mechanical sciences, 2022, 236 (2022): 107752.
Fu, Yihan; Tian, Yu; Li, Mengze; Ma, Jiahe; Li, Shuran; Zhu, Weidong; Yan, Keping; Ke, Yinglin. Electrostatic manipulation for saturated charging and orientating of recycled short-chopped carbon fibers based on dielectric polarization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 380(2022):134912.
Li, Mengze; Zhang, Haowei; Li, Shuran; Zhu, Weidong; Ke, Yinglin. Machine learning and materials informatics approaches for predicting transverse mechanical properties of unidirectional CFRP composites with microvoids. Materials & Design, 2022, 224(2022):111340.
Zhang, Li; Cheng, Liang; Li, Jiangxiong ; Ke, Yinglin. Kinematic modeling and error parameter identification of automated fiber placement machine based on measured data. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B, Journal of engineering manufacture, 2023, 237(4) :588–600.
Shuo Zhang , Zhen Liu , Shuran Li , Shihao Zhang, Hui Fu, Xuan Tu, Wenyi Xu,Xing Shen, Keping Yan, Ping Gan, Xiujuan Feng. Remediation of Lindane Contaminated Soil by Fluidization-like Dielectric Barrier Discharge. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 443 (2023):130164.
Gao, Yu; Wang, Jian; Song, Xiaowen ; Ding, Huiming; Wang, Han; Bi, YunBo; Ke, Yinglin. Investigation on the compressive mechanical properties of ultra-thick CFRP laminates. International journal of mechanical sciences, 2023, 241 (2023) :107966.
Yu Gao, Jiaxin Gao, Xiaowen Song, Huiming Ding*, Han wang. A collaborative grading optimization method of rib-reinforced ultra-thick composite pressure hull. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 274 (2023) :114038.
Chen Qisen1, Ye Yaoyao1, Li Hao, Zhang Fan, Xu Qiang*, Song Xiaowen, Ke Yinglin. An adaptive activation energy method for predicting resin curing behavior and thermal overshoot in thick CFRP plates. Polymer Composites, 2023, 44(6):3106–3125.
Yu Gao, Shiyang Zhu, Huiming Ding*, Xiaowen Song*, Huanyi Hu, Han Wang, Yinglin ke. Thickness variation effect on compressive properties of ultra-thick CFRP laminates. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023, 253 (2023): 108390.
Xiao, Jing; Li, Mengze; Li, Shuran ; Song, Xiaowen; Ke, Yinglin. High‐fidelity random fiber distribution algorithm based on fiber spreading process. Polymer composites, 2023, 44(8):4669-4681.
Jing Xiao, Guocong Liu, Di Yang *, Xiaowen Song *, Yinglin Ke. An algorithm for automatically establishing a multi- parameter RVE model for z-pin composite laminates. Composite Structures, 2023, 319 (2023): 117139.
Lin, Chengxiang; Song, Xiaowen*; Wang, Han*; Cheng, Liang; Wang, Qing; Ke, Yinglin. Effects of anisotropy and off-axis angle on buckling behavior of carbon fibers/epoxy Z-pin under axial pressure. Polymer Composites, 2023, 2023:1–26.
Yang, Qian; Qu, Weiwei; Gao, Jiaxin ; Wang, Yanzhe; Song, Xiaowen; Guo, Yingjie; Ke, Yinglin. Quaternion-based placement orientation trajectory smoothing method under the Domain of Admissible Orientation. International journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 2023, 128(1-2):491–510.
Miao, Lei; Zhang, Yongliang; Song, Zhichao ; Guo, Yingjie; Zhu, Weidong; Ke, Yinglin. A two-step method for kinematic parameters calibration based on complete pose measurement—Verification on a heavy-duty robot. Robotics and computer-integrated manufacturing, 2023, 83 (2023): 102550.
Cao, Siming; Guo, Yingjie; Zhu, Weidong ; Wang, Haijin; Huang, Qiwei; Ke, Yinglin. Online path correction under end point nonholonomic constraints – Implementation with visual sensing in robotic fiber placement. CIRP journal of manufacturing science and technology, 2023, 45 (2023): 138–150.
Yu Tian, Shuran Li*, Yihan Fu, Mengze Li, Weidong Zhu, Keping Yan, Yinglin Ke. High-Quality Electrostatic Recycling of Waste Carbon Fiber via Spark-Driven Shock Waves and Joule Heating. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2023, 263 (2023) :110880.
Mengze Li, Shuran Li*, Yu Tian, Yihan Fu, Yanliang Pei, Weidong Zhu, Yinglin Ke. A Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network and Multi-Layer Perceptron Hybrid Fusion Model for Predicting the Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber. Materials & Design, 2023, 227 (2023) :111760.
Mengze Li, Haowei Zhang, Jiahe Ma, Shuran Li*, Weidong Zhu, Yinglin Ke. Greedy-Based Approach for Generating Anisotropic Random Fiber Distributions of Unidirectional Composites and Transverse Mechanical Properties Prediction. Computational Materials Science, 2023, 218 (2023): 111966.
Shuo Zhang, Xing Shen, Yu Tian, Yihan Fu, Mengze Li, Shuran Li*, Weidong Zhu, Yinglin Ke, Keping Yan. The Turbulent-Flow-Assisted Electrostatic Collection and Alignment of Recycled Short-Chopped Carbon Fiber in Gaseous Phase. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 305 (2023): 122518.
Yu Tian, Mengze Li, Yihan Fu, Licui Liu, Shuran Li*, Weidong Zhu, YingLin Ke, Keping Yan. Development and Experimental Investigation of the Narrow-Gap Coated Electrostatic Precipitator with a Shield Pre-Charger for Indoor Air Cleaning. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 309 (2023) :123114.
Anyu Wang, Shuran Li*, Qinzhen Zheng, Shuo Zhang, Shihao Zhang, Zhihao Wang, Zhen Liu, Keping Yan*. Study on the Effects of Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization on Particulate Matter Emission from Industrial Coal-Fired Power Plants. Separations, 2023, 10(6): 356.
Hui Fu, Wenyi Xu, Shuran Li*, Zhen Liu, and Keping Yan. Convective Heat Transfer Enhancement by Corona Discharge in a Wire–Cylinder Electrostatic Precipitator with the Water-Cooling System. Journal of Electrostatics, 2023, 125 (2023): 103845.
Jian Wang, Huiming Ding*, Junxia Jiang, Yunbo Bi*. Fracture analysis of composite-titanium adhesively bonded joints under mode-Ⅰ loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2023, 291 (2023): 109561.
Jian Wang, Huiming Ding*, Junxia Jiang, Yunbo Bi*. A calculation method for the mode II fracture energy release rate of dissimilar materials adhesively bonded structures. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2023, 46(5):1704-1720.
Jian Wang, Chunrun Zhu, Yapeng Yang, Yongliang Zhang, Yunbo Bi*. Effect of riveting displacement on the mechanical behavior of CFRP bolted joints with elliptical‑head non‑lug self‑locking rivet nut. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023, 125(5-6):2161–2182.
Haowei Zhang, Huiming Ding, Di Yang, Qiang Xu, Yicheng Ma, Yunbo Bi*. Experimental investigation of Z-pin insertion angles on the mechanical behavior and failure mechanism of compression after impact for CFRP laminates. Composite Structures, 2023, 304 (2023) :116476.
Jinbo Du, Haowei Zhang, Han Wang*, Yapeng Yang, Yuedong Xie, Yunbo Bi*. Weibull distribution-based prediction model for compression after impact (CAI) strength of CFRP laminates. Materials Today Communications, 2023, 35 (2023): 105756.
Xu Xiaokang;Cheng Liang;Guo Yingjie;Li Jiangxiong;Ke Yinglin. A Modeling and Calibration Method of Heavy-Duty Automated Fiber Placement Robot Considering Compliance and Joint-Dependent Errors. Journal of mechanisms and robotics, 2023, 15(6):061011.
Miao Lei;Zhu Weidong;Guo Yingjie;Liang Wei;Xu Xiaokang;Zhao Shubin;Ke Yinglin. An analytical model for pressure distribution in automated fiber placement on irregular surfaces and its application in aeronautical manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2023, 106(2023):102-116.
Zhang Fan;Ye Yaoyao;Li Mengze;Wang Han;Cheng Liang;Wang Qing;Ke Yinglin. Computational modeling of micro curing residual stress evolution and out-of-plane tensile damage behavior in fiber-reinforced composites. Composite Structures, 2023, 322(2023):117370.
Li Yan;Zheng Chenggan;Jiang Junxia;Wang Han;Zhu Weidong;Wang Qing;Chen Chao;Zhang Shuai;Ke Yinglin. Numerical and experimental study of the viscosity and mechanical parameters effect on tow feeding quality during automated fiber placement. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2023, 96(2023):31-40.
Hu Ye;Wang Qing;Wang Weiwei;Tang Yipeng;Wang Han;Xu Qiang;Ke Yinglin. Modeling the effect of automated fiber placement induced gaps based on serial layer scanned point clouds. Composite Structures, 2023, 313(2023):116929.
Li, Yan; Zheng, Chenggan; Jiang, Junxia; Wang, Han; Zhu, Weidong; Wang, Qing; Chen, Chao; Zhang, Shuai; Ke, Yinglin; . Modeling of tow tension fluctuations and parameter optimization during the stable transfer phase for automated fiber placement. Tribology International, 2023, 183(2023):108429.
Du Mingming, *Guo Yingjie, Wang Haijin, Dong Huiyue, Liang Wei, Wu Hanling, Yinglin Ke. Modeling of the cutting front profile in abrasive water jet machining based on the energy balance approach. Precision Engineering, 2023, 79(2023):210-220.
Xiao, Jing; Liu, Guocong; Yang, Di ; Song, Xiaowen; Ke, Yinglin. An algorithm for automatically establishing a multi- parameter RVE model for z-pin composite laminates. Composite structures, 2023, 319(2023):117139.
Du, Jinbo; Wang, Han; Cheng, Liang ; Bi, Yunbo; Yang, Di. Damage Localization, Identification and Evolution Studies during Quasi-Static Indentation of CFRP Composite Using Acoustic Emission. Polymers, 2023, 15(24):4633.
Zhang, Fan;Liu, Xin;Ye, Yaoyao;Chen, Qisen;Xu, Qiang;Bi, Yunbo. Effect of gap and overlap on mode II interlaminar fracture toughness of automated fiber placement prepreg laminates. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2023, 36(6):390-401.
Ma, Jiahe;Xu, Qiang;Zhu, Weidong;Ke, Yinglin. Translaminar enveloping ply for CFRP interlaminar toughening. Composites. Part B, Engineering, 2023, 250(2023):110464.
Chen, Lixiao; Miao, Lei; Xu, Qiang; Yang, Qiangxin; Zhu, Weidong; Ke, Yinglin; . Damage and failure mechanisms of CFRP due to manufacturing induced wrinkling defects. Composite structures, 2023, 326():117624.
Zhang, Shuo; Li, Shuran; Xu, Yuzhen ; Du, Yanyan; Wang, Anyu; Liu, Zhen; Yan, Keping. Electrostatic precipitation (ESP) index driven bio-aerosol collection for a high biological viability sampling. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 423(2023):138790.
Yang, Qian; Yang, Di; Qu, Weiwei ; Guo, Yingjie; Huang, Qiwei; Wang, Yanzhe; Ke, Yinglin. Redundancy resolution of 9-DOF machine through synthesized global and local performance indices. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science(2023), 2024, 238 (1): 148-167.
Tian, Yu; Li, Shuran; Li, Mengze; Fu, Yihan; Zhu, Weidong; Yan, Keping; Ke, Yinglin. Synergistic effects of periodic weak spark and spatial electric field for one-step dispersion of carbon-based micro/nanomaterial agglomerates. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2024, 177(2024):107882.
Miao, Lei; Zhu, Weidong; Guo, Yingjie; Zhao, Shubin; Ke, Yinglin. Modeling of contact mechanics and defects investigation in automated fiber placement. Polymer Composites, 2024, 45(7):5992-6007.
Li, Yan; He, Yuxiao; Jiang, Junxia; Wang, Han; Zhu, Weidong; Wang, Qing; Cheng, Liang. Modeling and experimental validation of the contact characteristics for laying during automated fiber placement. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2024, 131(12):5997-6011.
Li, Mengze; Li, Shuran; Xiao, Jing; Fu, Yihan; Zhu, Weidong; Ke, Yinglin. An integrated nanofiller spray and nanosecond pulse electrically-assisted method for synergistically interlaminar toughening and in-situ damage monitoring of CFRP composites. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2024, 275(2024):111355.
Li, Mengze; Li, Shuran; Tian, Yu; Zhang, Haowei; Zhu, Weidong; Ke, Yinglin. Bottom-up stochastic multiscale model for the mechanical behavior of multidirectional composite laminates with microvoids. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2024, 181(2024):108144.
Cao Siming, Wang Hongfeng, *Guo Yingjie, Zhu Weidong, Ke Yinglin. A method for predicting relative position errors in dual-robot systems via knowledge transfer from geometric and nongeometric calibration. Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application, 2024, 51(2):314-325.
Wu Hanling, *Guo Yingjie, Xu Hui, Dong Huiyue, Li Zhi, Ke Yinglin. Investigation of angular deformation control for T-joint rib using multi-point constraint method. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2024, 213(2024):108385.
Guo Yingjie, Gao Xuanhua, *Liang Wei, Miao Lei, Zhao Shubin, Dong Huiyue. Robot joint space grid error compensation based on three-dimensional discrete point space circular fitting. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2024, 50(2024):140-150..
Zhang, Haowei; Li, Mengze; Zhou, Junjie ; Yang, Di; Wang, Han; Song, Xiaowen; Ke, Yinglin. Applicability evaluation of damage evolution models in simulating repeated low-velocity impact behavior of composite laminates. Journal of reinforced plastics and composites, 2024, 0(0) 1–22.
Chen, Qisen; Ye, Yaoyao; Qian, Shimeng ; Xu, Qiang; Qu, Weiwei; Song, Xiaowen; Ke, Yinglin. Modeling on the effect of automated fiber placement induced gaps in curved composite laminates. Composite structures, 2024, 328(2024):117721.
Ye, Yaoyao; Zhang, Fan; Chen, Qisen ; Xu, Qiang; Ke, Yinglin. Viscosity-coupled curing simulation model for L-shaped composites considering flow and compaction. Polymer composites, 2024, 45(14):12932-12947.
Ma, Jiahe;Xu, Qiang; Zhang, Haowei; Miao, Lei; Zhu, Weidong; Ke, Yinglin. Translaminar-envelope ply for CFRP mechanical enhancement. Composites Science and Technology, 2024, 252(2024):110594.
Zhang, Fengyi; Li, Wentao; Li, Xiangxi ; Yang, Di; Qu, Weiwei; Ke, Yinglin. Efficient 3D temperature field prediction and visualization for AFP process analysis in composite structures. Polymer Composites, 2024, 45(18):16929-16944.
Cheng, Liang; Zheng, Chenggan; Wang, Han ; Dong, Huiyue; Ke, Yinglin. Pressure control for pneumatic pressing roller in automated fiber placement. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2024, 43(23-24):1323-1339.
Zhang, Qiang; Luo, Qun; Zhao, Anan ; Yu, Cijun; Wang, Qing; Ke, Yinglin. Onto-SAGCN: Ontology modeling and spatial attention-based graph convolution networks for aircraft assembly quality prediction. Advanced engineering informatics, 2024, 60(2024):102531.
Zhang, Qiang; Zhang, Yifan; Luo, Qun ; Yu, Cijun; Yu, Ningdong; Wang, Qing; Ke, Yinglin. Cloud-edge-end-based aircraft assembly production quality monitoring system framework and applications. Journal of manufacturing systems, 2024, 75(2024):116–131.
Zhang, Yifan; Zhang, Qiang; Hu, Ye ; Wang, Qing; Cheng, Liang; Ke, Yinglin. A surrogate modeling framework for aircraft assembly deformation using triplet attention-enhanced conditional autoencoder. Journal of manufacturing systems, 2024, 77(2024):708–729 .
Yang, Weifeng; Wang, Qing; Hou, Yuting ; Yu, Cijun; Shi, Xianqing; Hu, Ye; Ke, Yinglin. Analysis and denoising of electric noise in phased array ultrasonic testing system. NDT & E international : independent nondestructive testing and evaluation, 2024, 146(2024):103164.
Yan, Ling; Li, Shuran; Li, Mengze ; Wang, Qing; Ke, Yinglin. Multiscale simulation and experimental studies on modal damping of ultra-thick CFRP laminates. Polymer composites, 2024, 45(12):10925-10942.
Hou, Yudong; Cheng, Liang; Wang, Qing ; Li, Jiangxiong; Ke, Yinglin. The INS/GPS integrated navigation based on autonomous underwater vehicle using modified extended Kalman filter. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2024, 00(0):1-12.
Gao, Chongyang; Mu, Binghong; Cheng, Shucan ; Xu, Zhen. Effective interlaminar toughening of carbon fiber/epoxy composite laminates by extremely low loadings of monolayer graphene oxide. Polymer composites, 2024, .
Cheng, Liang; Zheng, Chenggan; Li, Yan ; Chen, Chao; Zhang, Shuai; Wu, Jianbo; Dong, Huiyue; Ke, Yinglin. Fiber tension prediction and control methods in automated fiber placement. Polymer composites, 2024, 45(16):14888-14904.
Ji, Guobiao; Cheng, Liang; Wang, Qing ; Li, Jiangxiong; Ke, Yinglin. Influence of Z-pin material on the mechanical properties of fine Z-pin reinforced composites. Polymer composites, 2024, 45(15):13529-13545.
Liang, Wei; Dong, Huiyue; Miao, Lei ; Xu, Xiaokang; Cheng, Liang; Guo, Yingjie; Ke, Yinglin. Predicting the geometric morphology of water jet machining in ultra-thick CFRP laminates based on analytical modeling. Composites. Part A, Applied science and manufacturing, 2024, 180(2024):108055.
Xu, Xiaokang; Cheng, Liang; Miao, Lei ; Zhou, Xiongwei; Li, Jiangxiong; Ke, Yinglin. End-effector contact force estimation for the industrial robot in automated fiber placement processes with dynamic end-load variations. CIRP journal of manufacturing science and technology, 2024, 55(2024):390-402.
Zhang, Haowei; Li, Mengze; Zhou, Junjie ; Yang, Di; Wang, Han; Song, Xiaowen; Ke, Yinglin. Applicability evaluation of damage evolution models in simulating repeated low-velocity impact behavior of composite laminates. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. Journal of reinforced plastics and composites, 2024, 0(0) 1–22.
Mei, Yuan; Lin, Jianjie; Song, Xiaowen. Numerical study on improving the hydrodynamic performance of three-dimensional unsteady hydrofoil through vortex generators. Ocean engineering, 2024, 312(3):119319.
Mei, Yuan; Gao, Jiaxin; Lin, Jianjie ; Song, Xiaowen. An AUV stability estimation method by considering rudder design parameters. Ocean engineering, 2024, 313(1):119358.
Lin, Jianjie; Xu, Qiang; Ke, Yinglin. Multi-component optimization of composite pump-jet propulsor based on sensitivity analysis. Ocean engineering, 2024, 312(2):119167.
Li, Mengze; Li, Shuran; Zhang, Haowei ; Fu, Yihan; Yan, Ling; Zhu, Weidong; Ke, Yinglin. Multiscale modelling of dynamic progressive failure for CFRP laminates with voids subjected to low-velocity impact. Composites. Part A, Applied science and manufacturing, 2025, 190:108649.